| 6:30-8:30 pm |
| Art and Criticism - identity, change, resistance and cultural conflicts |
Deleuze who claims that “Art is resistance to death” in fact he intent to articulate 'conscious' that has not been developed yet. This resistance; can be point out as content of the illusion of the reality placed in ana art work. The content, sometimes by itself as a conscious application via naive contact that transforms reality into imaginary matter, some other times reflects upon the work of art by a tendency as an actual out of content. Therefore content appears as a reflection of life... "
Erkan Doğanay Born in Kars. In 1998, he graduated from 19 Mayıs University Faculty of Fine Arts Painting department. Besides his painting practices he also has works in Litretaure. He awarded by two times of the 3rd degree at “Orhan Kemal Narative Awards" in ‘2003’ and ‘2004.’ His texts has been published in newspapers and magazines such as; Cumhuriyet, Radikal, Milliyet, Birgün newspapers ; Milliyet Sanat, Evrensel, Artist, Genç Sanat, RH Sanat, E Magazines, Hayvan, Kaçak Yayın . He produced the book tittled “Ustalara Saygı” with Metin Üstündağ. He is the Turkish editor of the book titled “1001 paintings that you have to see before you die” Recently, Erkan Doğanay works at Taraf Newspaper and writes at various art magazines.