23rd February 2011-Wed | Öykü Özsoy

| 6:30-8:30 pm |

| I Don't Even Remember |

Ivana Madariova. right: Öyku Özsoy

In his book titled Inside the White Cube: The Ideology of the Gallery Space, Brian O'Doherty defines the gallery as a space where "some of the sanctity of the church, the formality of the courtroom, the mystique of the experimental laboratory joins with chic design" that is the specific covering of 20th century art. For a long time this covering has been peeled and scraped off by artists and curators working on various projects and precise definitions have become blurred. With Kristina Kramer, we are going to review and share with the audience my experiences at Platform Garanti and Alti Aylik, and my independent projects.

Öykü Özsoy, Kristina Kramer’i küratöryel deneyimlerini paylaşmak üzere Açık Masa’ya davet ediyor.
Öykü Özsoy, 2003-Kasım 2010 tarihleri arasında Platform Garanti Güncel Sanat Merkezi'nde asistan küratör ve İstanbul Misafirleri Programı koordinatörü olarak çalıştı. Bu süre zarfında 40 sergi, 75 konferans ve atölye çalışmasının organizasyonunda görev aldı. Kristina Kramer'le beraber, Altı Aylık, sanat proje inisiyatifinin kurucularından olan Özsoy, burada uluslarası sergi ve video gösterim programlarının eş küratörlüğünü yaptı. Özsoy, son olarak Vessela Nozharova ile beraber, DEPO'da gösterilen "Belirsiz İstikametler" (2010) sergisini düzenlemiştir.

Images: Indefinite Destinations exhibition, Depo
Arthur Zmijewski

Alina Viola Grumiller

Öykü Özsoy has been working as an assistant curator and a program coordinator at Platform Garanti CAC since 2003 where she has been involved in the organization of more than 30 exhibitions and 75 conferences and workshops. Her work on the international level includes: "Hit & Run", 2004; "End on Mouth"-Yael Davids, 2004; "An Ideal Society Creates Itself" -Oliver Ressler, 2005; "The Photographers: Laurence Bonvin and Juul Hondius", 2007; "Last Things" in Westfalischer Kunstverein, Münster, Germany, 2008; "Candid Stories", INSA Art Space, Seoul, Korea, 2008. She is also responsible for the Istanbul Residency Program which has hosted more than 85 artists since 2003. Ozsoy is also one of the founding members of an independent art project space located in Istanbul called Alti Aylik where she has co-curated seven exhibitions and screening programs which have shown in Amsterdam, Los Angeles and Cologne as well as in Istanbul...